BARRIO OF LIPCAN, Historical Data - Philippine Historical Data BARRIO OF LIPCAN, Historical Data - Philippine Historical Data

BARRIO OF LIPCAN, Historical Data

Barrio Lipcan

About these Historical Data

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Prepared and submitted by:


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Part One: History

1. Present official name of the barrio:


2. Popular name of the barrio, present and pest; derivation and meanings of these names. Names of sitios included in the barrio.

The popular name of the barrio is LIPCAN. Formerly, it was called "Pitcan." The Americans gave this name to this place because of the many rills flowing here.

3. Date of establishment.

It was established in 1880.

4. Original families.

Igorots were the first inhabitants of this place. When the Americans came, they occupied this place and the Igorots abandoned their homes and lands. Then came the Christians from Dupagan and settled in this place. The people now are descendants of those Christians.

5. List of tenientes from earliest time to date.

During the Spanish regime, the teniente here was celled "cabo." Those who served as such were Mr. Estanislao Balubar and Mr. Juan Pizarro.

During the American Regime, the tenientes were Mr. Cornelio Bisquera, Mr. Sesinando BaƱez, Mr. Espiridion Beloy, and Mr. Estanislao Astudillo. At present, the teniente del barrio is Mr. Elias Verzola.

6. Story of old barrios or sitios within the jurisdiction that are now depopulated or extinct.

The organization of this barrio was due to the transfer of the people from Dupagan to Lipcan. Because Dupagan was often flooded during storms, the officials of the town transferred the people from there to this place.

The first settlement of Lipcan were the families headed by Mr. Espiridion Beloy, Mr. Victor Beloy, Mr. Eusebio Bisquera. These three families organized Lipcan into a barrio. They had their own barrio lieutenant as their head who gave reports to the town officials. As time went by, more settlers came, and a school was established and housed in a private house.

7. Data on historic-el sites, structures, buildings, old ruins, etc.

Lipcan was founded in 1900, located on a hill. The first houses were made of light materials. As years went by, their houses were made of stronger materials and now, modern type houses are built.

8. Important facts, incidents, or events that took place.

(a) During the Spanish Occupation

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Igorots settled on this place. That is shown by the gems dug when the people transferred from Dupagan and later, settlers built houses.

(b) During rthe American Occupation to World War II

When the Americans first came, they occupied this place. They built here trenches to guard the entrances to the town. The soldiers stayed for two months to keep peace and order.

(c) During and after #rld War II

In December 1941, war broke out. In February 1942, the Japanese occupied the barrio and built trenches on one side of the hill near the provincial road, as a watchtower to their enemies. It was one of these places where the Japanese killed persons who they thought were their enemies.

9. (a) Destruction of lives and property, especially in 1896-1900, 1941-1945.

Between 1896 and 1900, the revolutionists destroyed the means of communication of the Americans. They removed the telephone wire going to the town from the barrio. In return, the Americans burned their houses. Since the revolutionists found out that they could not overpower the Americans, they surrendered to them.

Then, the Americans established a school in the barrio. The first teacher sent by the Americans was Dr. Narciso Martinez. He taught Cartilla and used the Spanish method of instruction. Then, this was changed into the English method. The first teacher was Mr. Prisco Martinez.

Between 1941 and 1945, during the Japanese occupation, the Japanese soldiers burned the houses in the barrio when they found many guerillas in the place. Some people were tortured and killed.

(b) Measures and accomplishments towards rehabilitation,

After the war, the inhabitants returned to their places and built huts and began a new life for all their personal belongings were burned or destroyed. Now, the place is rehabilitated.

Part Two: Folkways

10. Traditions, customs, and practices in and social life.

BIRTH - When someone delivers, they put branches of trees with thorns under the house so that bad spirits would not do any harm to the mother and child. A bolo or a pair of scissors is placed near the bed under the mat of the child to protect it from the attack of spirits.

BAPTISM - When a child is born, he/she is baptized after the third day.

COURTSHIP - The admirer goes to serenade the lady at night to express his love. When an admirer visits a lady, the parents try to be always present. If the visitor stays for a long time, someone in the house puts salt under his seat so that he is forced to go home.

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MARRIAGE - During the early days, the parents were the ones to select the bride. When both parties made an agreement, they set the date for the betrothal. At the betrothal, they agreed on the amount of the dowry and set the date for the marriage. Two or three days before the marriage, helpers went to help pound rice and danced around the mortar, the "gintong." They had a party to celebrate the wedding. When the bride and groom arrived from the church, they both knelt in front of the family altar and prayed. Then, the guests shower rice or coins in the house to wish them abundance of food and wealth in the future. During the celebration they had a "paluad" and the invited guests gave gifts in money and articles. The following day after the marriage, the newlyweds go to the house of the bridegroom for the "patan-aw", This may be a house built for them.

DEATH - When parents die, their children mourn for them a whole year. If a near relative dies, the period of mourning is shorter. At the wake, a member of the family always sits with a black veil near the corpse until the burial. The relatives and friends give a little help of any kind to the family.

BURIAL – The dead was usually buried in the cemetery. When the dead person was taken down from the house, the bed of the deceased was taken down the house and placed far from the house. The dead would be accompanied by friends and relatives. After the burial, the relatives and friends would go to the house and eat together. The next day, the family would go to the river to take a bath. After nine days they have a "pamisa." The sons and daughters would not be allowed to carry a jar or basket their heads would be "agdonger."

VISITS - 1. When someone delivers, the intimate friends would pay a vist to the newly born child and mother.

2. When someone arrives from a far place, their relatives would visit him. The friends come for a "sarabo."

3. When someone gets sick, the relatives or intimate friends go to visit the sick.

FESTIVAL - During fiesta, the people put up their houses and surroundings in good shape. They invite their relatives and friends living in other places to attend the fiesta. The people prepare dresses for the fiesta and make sinoman and other locally made candles for the visitors.

PUNISHMENTS - Whipping, kneeling, sitting on air were the punishments given to children.

11. Myths, legends, beliefs, interpretations, superstitions, etc.

Myths - Once, there were two friends. They went to a fortune teller. One had a good "palad" (lines of the palm) and the other just the opposite. The one with the good palad did not work anymore but just waited for his fortune. He slept and remained idle until he had no cbthes to wear nor food to eat. The other friend worked and worked and he became rich.

LEGEND - Once, there was a couple who had no child. They prayed that God give them a child. Their prayers were granted and when the child was born, he grew to be only one foot tall. The child was very greedy that he ate all the food that they cooked. He could even eat a whole pig or a whole cow. One day, his parents thought of sending their son away.

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The father went with his son to get fuel. The son stayed under the tree while the father cut it down. The father went away thinking that his son was crushed by the tree. But his son carried the big tree home. He said, "Father, father, why did you run away?" The parents were very much surprised. So, the father thought of another way. The father told his son to go to the porch. Just then, the father cut the posts of the porch and these fell down on the child. The child was killed by one of the posts. They buried their son in the yard, and the parents were very happy.

Three days after the burial, a squash plant grew up from the grave and it bore many, many big fruits. Inside the fruits, they found gold and silver. Soon, they became rich. They repented for what they had done to their son. They built a golden house, but robbers robbed and killed them. That was their punishment from God.

BELIEFS - 1. When a cat wipes its face near the door, a visitor will arrive. 2. When the firewood makes a noise while cooking, a visitor will arrive. 3. When a pig sneezes while one is going out, it is a bad omen. 4. If you are a merchant and you go out for a trip, and a snake crosses in front of you, you are lucky. You will sell much

INTERPRETATIONS -1. When there is a rainbow in the sky before the sun rises, there will be a storm. 2. When the morning is gloomy, there will be no rain in the afternoon. 3. Before occupying a new house, the first thing to do is to place a jar of water and a jar of rice so that the owner will be prosperous in life.

SUPERSTITIONS - 1. When throwing water out into a dark place at night, say "Cayo, cayo, Bari, bari." 2. When bringing down the dead, the coffin should not be allowed to touch the wall or floor of the house. 3. When you visit the house for the first time, you should touch your ear so that you will not be "maam-malingan" (molested by the spirits).

ORIGIN OF THE WORLD - The following were first created:

Land, mountains, man, star, plants, birds, animals, seas, rivers, lakes, different ki3nds of fishes and [the] garden of Paradise. They lived happily with contentment. When Adam and Eve committed a sin, they were driven from the garden of paradise by the Almighty.

12. Popular songs, games and amusements.

The songs they sang were love songs. Playing sungca, sik-ki, and sibarra by the girls. Playing sampedro, ballogo, tarampo, and baticubre by the boys. Playing "ripa" by the women. Going to the cockpit by the men.

13. Puzzles and riddles.

1. There it says but no eyes. - pointing finger
2. Sky up, sky down, water in the middle. - coconut
3. A pig from Manila, but full of nails. - langka
4. Going down very slowly, then going up very quickly. - buteg
5. LONG but not long, BOY but not a boy. - longboy
6. During the night, it is a floor; during the day it is a tube. - mat
7. A coconut full of popcorn will shine the whole world. - stars
8. A slice of bamboo shoot will shine the whole world. - moon
9. There is one guava but has seven holes. - head

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14. Proverbs and sayings.

1. When there is a will there is a way.
2. The early bird catches the worm.
3. Wale up Ramon, they will eat your food.

15. Methods of reckoning time.

The pople measured time by the position of the sun, [the] shadows of trees, and the crows of the cock at night.

16. Other folktales - None.

Part Three: Other Information

Persons who gave the information:
Transcribed from:
History and Cultural Life of the Barrio Lipcan, online at the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections. The pagination in this transcription is as they appear in the original document.
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