MUNICIPALITY OF SANTO DOMINGO (ILOCOS SUR), History and Culture of Part III - Philippine Historical Data MUNICIPALITY OF SANTO DOMINGO (ILOCOS SUR), History and Culture of Part III - Philippine Historical Data


Municipality of Santo Domingo



About these Historical Data

[p. 20]


The town's traditions and practices in domestic and social life, we have still prevalent the respect for women and those of old age. The "tagnawa," the kissing of the hands, the kundiman serenades, the angelus, and "animas" (8:00 P.M.) prayers are still practices, crossing fingers at the stairway when leaving the home, desting reptiles or other animals crossing the way of one going to gamble, saying "dayodayo" to evil spirits when pouring or throwing things out of the house are still practices together with the hanging of dolls on windows and having children wear necklaces with monkey tooth or centavo pendants during epidemics are still done.

Of the baptism, some barrio practices already discussed ahead are still used. An expectant mother is prohibited to walk alone at night without a "charm," usually a pinch of salt and garlic. She is cautioned not to eat snails or macupa fruit so the child will have a bowel and its lips will not be parted. When a child is born, the mother is to stay in bed for half a month or for a whole [month], taking a warm bath after three days from delivery. Her foods are chosen, avoiding seaweeds, seashells and sea fishes. Light will continue until the baby is a year old. Hear the baby is always placed a steel weapon to drive away evil spirits. On baptism, a child will be carried to church for the occasion by the godfather or godmother with money offerings for the child. They will also act as second parents to the child up to the future. These are most remembered during the Yule season for Christmas gifts. To the parents, it will beget the "compadre system," where both will become influential to each other.

Courtship was done by private letters or signs and by parental consent during the Spanish times. Nowadays, the man makes his advances, usually in open social outings or visits, in serenades and letters. In marriage, the lady was to be deposited in the convent for nine days prior to the marriage, but now elopement is more prevalent. Parental arrangements are not frequently in vogue. The church marriage ceremony is still preferred over the civil marriage by a judge. Many couples still fantastically get remarried in the church should they chance to have been married by the town court. In marriage, the groom sometimes gives a dowry to the bride, a part of which will go to the parents. He is usually responsible for the expenses of the nuptial party. The following day, there will be a Mass for the dead relatives of the couple.

Death and burial customs are akin to those of the barrios. A dead person will be cleaned and groomed properly with a white kerchief around his cheeks and knotted on top of the head. His hands will be crossed with a crucifix in them. Some of his belongings will follow him. If the deceased is a husband, the vice-versa, his widow will follow him only up to the church. There, she will shake his cold hands for parting. The people will vociferously recitecrying plaintive notes their sorrow of the demise. A basin of water is placed under the coffin. Some belongings of the dead, as those of his hat and some clothes, together with the clothes he wore at the deathbed, will all be placed for burial in the coffin. If an adult is dead, he will be mourned in black; if a child, the pall bearers and mourners will be in white. When the dead is about to be buried either in the bare earth or in a concrete niche, the crucifix will be removed and new wax paper will take its place.

[p. 21]

Mourners will go to the house of the deceased to eat and pray for the rest of his soul. The prayer will be done on nine consecutive nights at the end of which will be the Pamisa, when all will go to pray in the church, after which they will have a party to mark that the relatives of the deceased will cease to use mourning clothes. The widow will cease to mourn after a year.

On the visits of prelates and civil authorities, arches are built and the visitors are met by a delegation of the town's social cream, with the ladies offering bouquets of flowers. This is often followed by a social feast. On private visitorys, courtesy and hospitality are now wanting in the home. Native candies then abound. The customs on punishments are by boycotting or social castigation, imprisonment and fines, and by the culprit paraded publicly with a poster about his crime around his neck. Superstions are fading among townsfolk in the poblacion. However, many still believe in places haunted by spirits as those semi-isolated spots and some giant, lonely, sinister-looking trees. These, they fear to hew. Some still believe in the "sirena" or the sea nymph, "Kaiban" or the lethe, the bruja or witch, the "atang" (the act of cooking rice cakes without salt or sugar to be placed under isolated trees at night without a light) in cases of lingering illnesses. The "karkarma" about which it is said when a child or adult yawns but cannot sleep while his ears are cold, he has left his spirit somewhere. HEre, the "magkarkarma" is called to do his divination. Many still believe in the "mutya," which, it is said, that under the burning ethereal fire, may be a spirit-haunted treasure buried in the ground. The "manggagamut" (a person versed in the art of poisoning you unnoticed by touching or through the air) is known to be the most abhorred witchcraft. The "pogot" or evil spirits are still supposed to be around at night.

Traditional legends or myths are those of Angalo and Aran, Lamang and Ines Kannuyan, Juan Sadut, Arikummimi, and minor beast and fairy fables, some hero tales and Creation stories. Angalo has Aran for his wife, both cycopean beings. They are attributed as the first inhabitants of the earth. Angalo's head reached the sky with but [unreadable] of his to reach Manila from Vigan. He dug the [unreadable] one step fingers and formed mountains and hills. The [unreadable] earth with his [missing word] and the Bannawang Gap was formed when he kicked it while sleeping in the Ilocos Mountains. Angalo could be heard around the world when he spoke or laughed. Aran had three daughters who, when carrying salt to Manila, wading through the China Sea, stumbled so that the sea became salty.

Lam-ang married Innes Kannuyan. He was of superhuman strength from Nalbuan, Naguilian, La Union, and Kannuyan was a native of Kalamutian, Sinait, Ilocos Sur. Lamang, when young, was orphaned of his father who was killed by Tinguians. When grown up, he searched for the murderers of his father and killed them with his magic sword. Sumarang was his victim. For divination, he had his pet rooster and curly-haired white dog. His declared his love for Kannuyan through his rooster and vied with other suitors crowding the yard of Kannuyan. Unnoyan, mother of Kannuyan, together welcomed Lamang and the dowry was set and agreed so that he would give wealth equal to those of a vast field of Kannuyan's riches of furniture of pure gold. [Confidence on the transcription of this part is not high because this part of the page was torn and taped over, rendering some lines not readable.]

[This last paragraph is not transcribed because the lines of the page pasted over do not match, and it is difficult to make sense of the lines.]

[p. 22]

Lamang's bones shall be found, he will be restored to life. When his bones were recovered by a skilled diver Marcos, Lamang's rooster and hairy white dog did a series of incantations and he was brought back to life living with happy marital love after.

Juan Sadut is a story of the first monkey. So lazy to work the spinners beating the stick for cotton became his tail as he used the half-beaten cotton as a clock.

Arikummimi was a pretentious delicate woman with artificial lady-like mannerisms. She did not know how to work but was particular to choice food, eating so little. She is also called Makuycuyan.

The popular songs are the "Dallot," a meaningless monotonous song as:

Dallang aya daldallot,
Dallang aya dumidinallot...

a woman in front of a singer sings and improvises verse, too, and there follows a matching of wits. The topic usually is of love. The dallot is the genesis of Ilocano drama. We, too, have the Badeng (love songs) as the Pamolinawen, Ay Kundiman, Agsinatan Baket, Biday, No Duaduaem Pay, Dardarepdepenka, Bin-ig man a Pait, Bannatiran, Saguday, Dungdungoen Kanto, Ni Pagaw, Dalumpipi, No Siak Kagasatmo, Sampaguita, Singsing a Balakantis, Napaitnak, Imun Essem, Dunguial, Calapati. These songs herein follow with their proper translations:

Pamolinawen, pusok imdengan man
toy umas-asug agrayo ta sadiam
Panunotem man dika pagintutulngan
Toy agayat, agrayo dita sadiam.
Essem diak kalipatan
Ta nasudi unay a nagan
Uray sadin ti ayan, disso
sadino man
No malagipka, pusok
ti mabangaran
Parbangan nga apagsipasip
Bimmangonak a sipapannimid
Isu metten nga innak nasirip
Ti agdama a lak-amek.
Asin ti agayat kenkay
Asin ti agayat kenkay
Ammuda nga ayayatenka
Ket matayak a gapu kenka.
Itan baket agsinatan
Dagup to kukua pagbingayantan
Dagup to kuarta pagbinayanta
Kukuam dagisi naawan ket kukuak
dagidiay adda.
English Translation
Adamantine, my heart, listen
to the sighs of one after you.
think and do not turn a deaf
ear to the one who, your
beauty aspires and loves
Desire, I will never forget
your lovely name, in any spot
Wherever you are, when to mind
I recall you, my heart gets
At early dawn, I get up from bed
with hand on my chin and there
I realize my present sufferings.
Who is in love with you?
Who is in love with you:
They already know that I am
loving you and I die because of you.
Now wife, let us separate,
All our properties, we divide
All our money, we share. Yours
are the missing and those
that are in hand are mine.

[p. 23]

Dagitoy ubbing baket, no isut
Baguim dagidi natay, bagik
dagiti adda
No tagibassitem baket to
Inka sapulen di alis to
isu pay nayon na.
If we divide the children
Wife, yours are the dead, the
living are mine. Should you
think, wife, that you are at a
loss, look for the aborted to
add to yours
No toy balay baket ta isut
Bagik ti balay ta pagim
diay kisina,
No tagibassitem baket ta
Alaem diay bangsal to isu
pay nayon na.
The house, wife, we should divide,
my share is the hall and the
kitchen to be yours. Should
you belittle it, wife, and think
you are at a loss, have the
bamboo platform added to your
No dalikan baket ti pagbingayanta
Kukuak diay pagsaangan ta
kuam diay langlang na.
No kas pagarigan, baket
ta maatiwka
Alaem diay dapo ta isu pay
nayon na.
If we, wife, divide the stove,
mine is the tripod top and yours
is the front. Should you, wife
be at a loss, have the ashes
to add more to yours.
No diay banga baket, ta
Kuam dagitoy buong ta
kuak diay limpiona,
No kas pagarigan baket
ta maatiwka
Alaem diay lagangan ta
isu pay nayonna.
If the pots, wife, we are
to divide, yours are the broken
and the good are mine. Should
you, wife, be at a loss, take
pot ring, added to yours.
No dagiti talon baket, ti
Kuak diay alog ta kuam
diay tangkigna,
No kas pagarigan, baket
ta maatiwka
Alaem diay bunton ta
isu pay nayon na.
If the fields, wife, we should
divide, mine are the lowlands
and the high parts are yours.
Should you, wife, be at a
loss, have the anthills added
to yours.
No duaduaem pay laeng to apges
ni ayat,
Nalawag la unayen nga ulpitmo
ken ranggas,
Alaman biagko sawem ti pamuspusan
Tapno mabalinkan a lipatan
O Imnas
If you still doubt the pangs
of love, it is clear to be [me?]
your stern[ness] and cruelty. Then
my life, tell my remedy so that
I may forget you, O Beauty.
Lipatenkan ton, wen, ngem
addaakton iti tanem
Ngem no itan, saan, saan
a mabalinan
Ay, itdem ni ayat, dinak
kad pagtuoken
Tangay siksikan ti
ti innak ayayaten.
I shall forget you, yea
but I shall be in the grave,
yet, if now, no, no, it can
never be so. Ay, bestow your
love, do not torment me
for I love you always.

[p. 24]

Jazmin ka a napusaksak,
Banglom ti di maumag
Langtom ti di manasanas
Liwliwana ka ti addaan rigat.
Pal-pallatok ka ti bigbigat,
Nga awan lidem no di pusaksak
Diay bulan adayo pay mayarpad
Ta saguday mo a nayanak.
You are a blooming Jazmine,
your perfume never fades. You
are a comfort to one with
pain, morning star without
dimness in bloom. The moon
cannot vie with your presence
your fortune in birth.
Binig man a pait ti apiten
lakamen toy ayat,
Inrubom man aya Laing!
Toy daksangasat a biag,
Isunan biagko gesdam,
Tanga yammonon pattiem,
sikat pagpatpatayak!
All but bitterness does my love
reap. You but deluded my ill-
fated life. And it, My Life,
soften since you know, believe
I will stick to you alone
till death.
No pay napait ni patay,
no kastat banag ni ayat,
No kas saan pay koma ta
agpanunot ka O Imnas,
Ta uray umayton no patay
no agtuok pay to biag
Pennek konton a gapu kenka,
ragsak ko ni rigat.
Although death is bitter if
it be the fate of my love,
May it not be yet so. O
Beauty, for even death will
come if my life yet gets
troubled, it will mean my
contentment as because of you,
my joy will be in pain.
Inul-ulbodko to pusok,
inlibak ko ta apges ta gulib,
Ngem ammo na metten,
Ay piman
Ket itan agsangsangit,
Innakon, innak tamen,
konkonana nga agsasainek,
Tipdem kadin O biagko asim
ti inka yesnek.
I deluded my heart, concealed
the pangs of your folly, but
it pitifully knows them and Ay,
it is weeping: "I am going,
I am going to the tomb," it says
grievingly then. My life
your relent gives.
Binig man a sasainnek
Ti agdama a lakamek,
Ti lakamen daytoy pusok,
Ay ngamin ta naulpit,
Ta ti pateg ni ayat,
Sudinat sitatakneng,
Nayawawanda aminen
Gaput pateg nat sabalin!
It is all but signs that
presently in mine.
It is borne by my heart,
Ay, just because it is cruel —
for the value of love with
virtues opened, they are
all let free because its
esteem is changed.
Dardarepdepan ka nga agnanayon
Dagidi lailom kaniak,
Regta ken dongngom,
Aglalo no innak kenka
Agarubos ta luluam a
boyogen di panangay ayom.
I am dreaming of you eternally,
your caresses to me, your
watchfulness and esteem, so
much so when I try to grieve,
your tears fall accompanied
by your charms.
Ay wen pugot, iddian kan
nga ibulos.
Ta pidutennakan to pumidot
a mayat nga agpapaus,
Ken tudo a tumayudok,
Umayak la maniruksirok
Ta ayan mo a matmaturog.
Ay, yea, Blackie, I will now
leave you free so that you will
be picked up by anyone who is
anxious. For it matters not
the heat and torrents of rain,
I have to come under and under
the place where you sleep.

[p. 25]

Rugso ni essem, awanen di maepep
Maatipan to ngatan no tanemko
Nalaka unay no gagem mo naulpit,
Kayaw toy biag, saan, saak kadin
ta kaasiak kad met!
Burst of desire no longer could
be alleviated
It shall be stopped perhaps
When my tomb is sealed.
It is easy if you mean falsehood.
You, who made my life a captive,
please don't and be merciful
to me.
Lulukek koman a yulimek ti
Yasug kot pusok di koman la
Yallo-alloak met iti apgesna,
Bay-am kadin ay! ta ura la
isut liwliwana.
I would give way to silence
due to its pain and sigh
to my soul that it should
not feel, yet its pang tosses
me, and you may relent, ay,
for such is its comfort.
Bannatiran, ta dutdut mo kalibnosan
Ta panggep mo dika patuloyen
Suminakan, sadino to papanam,
Sanido O! Bannatiran,
Ania a kayo ti inka pagsisoan?
Bannatiran, your feathers are
freshest, your aim does not
Do your depart, where you are
bound, where O! Bannatiran,
what tree shall you alight?
Iti kayo nga agsabong ken ayat
panawan man,
Ay agbabawi kanto ti kamaudianan
No 'ni liday ti matumpangam.
The tree which flowered love
you do leave, Ay! you shall
repent at last when you come
across grief.
Ania a sabong ti kayatmo, Bannatiran?
Uray no awan, pilit inka isapulan,
Ta sikat sarming a paganiwanan
Ti raniag da init ken bulan.
What flowers do you desire,
Bannatiran? Even if it is
rare, I will seek for you,
for you are the mirror
which reflects the radiance
of the sun and moon.
Diyyagan, Diyyagan!
Adda asuk a burburan
Napan nagkamkamang
Diay sirok da Makuykuyan
Napan da met sinibugan
Ti danum a dinadang.
Diyagan! Diyyagan!
I have a curly-haired dog
When it went to seek refuge
Under Makuykuyan's house
They, too, poured over him
Water that is warm.
Ta nagsaway a laingmo nga awan
A rangrangan dayta lumabbaga a
A nakaitampokan ta kallid mo
a kasla bittwen,
Lalon tumamdagka ti agsapa wenno
Your rare goodness, without
compare, brightened by your
blushing cheeks and upon
which are mounted your dimples
as stars, so much so when you
peep at morn and at dusk.
No bingngiem ta bibigmo saka
Agparang a dagus ta kas marfil
a ngipen,
Daegan met ta buok mo arin
Ken ta kiday mo kas bullalayaw
ti malem!
If you open your lips and
then smile, your ivory
teeth at once appear. They
are beautified, too, by your
somewhat curly hair and
your eyelids like the
afternoon rainbow.

[p. 26]

Biag ken bileg na ka toy kararuak,
Nasudi a Neneng, Sampaguita a
Sika awan sabali ti inkarik a
Ditoy lubong inganat tungpal
toy biag.
My soul has you and its life
and vigor, rare Neneng.
Sampaguita in bloom. You
and you alone did I pledge to be
my comfort on earth till the
end of my life.
Ayatenka ngem dinak not kapnekan,
Dardarepdepen ka, ngem sika
kaniak saan
Ngem nopay no kasta
dikan to paginsasaanan.
Agpapan biagko ti agkanibusahan.
I love you, but you do not feel
no contentment. I dream of
you, but you of me, never,
but even then, I will never be
aloof even to the end of
my life.
Da timel ken Toma, kayatda ken
ti aggasawa,
Ngem awan met ti kuarta da
Ngem ni Timel kinonna;
Uray ket adu ti karruba a
pagutangan ti kuarta,
Santo met la isubli mo
malpas ti budami.
Timel and Toma like to get
married, but they got no
penny. Toma said, "Well, we
have neighbors from whom
to borrow money, and then
return after our nuptial
Ay kakok naallilawka ti singpet
ni perperruka,
Agpayso a natalna, ngem na garaw
met ti kimmol na.
Ay kakok, you were fooled by
the silence of perperruka.
It is true that it is silent
but her rectum is mobile.
Kukuam laeng ni pagaw, ta sikat
Ngem siak met ti nangallilaw,
idi unana nga aldaw.
Just have pagaw as yours for
you were able to share, but
I was first to fool in the
days past.
Kukuam la ni pugo ta sikat
Ngem siak not ti nangpapaamo,
idi unana nga tiempo.
You have pugo as yours for
you were able to fool, but
I was first to domesticate
in the days of yore.
Mabibinog toy nga arig
la agpisi,
A gapu ti saem ni liday nga
A ta daydi dinongngom nga
inget sudi,
Naulpit ken naranngas nga
ayat a di ket namki.
Well, yes, love without mercy,
let loose your hatred that
swells. Dalumpipi will be
your joy, for the grave you
fooled was myself.
Ala wen ayat, awanan asi,
Yedsom amin dayta guram
Ta ragsak mon ton ni Dalumpipi,
Ta daydi tanem nga inkawam,
siak met daydi!
What of the repeated promises?
I thought your heart was my
heart which you soon refused.
Now that you have opened the
sweetness of Arukummini, and
than Ay! You repented and
gave to another.
Saman di maulit-ulit di
Konak no pusom daydi saka
Itan ta inyaun mo di samit
ni Arukummimi,
Ay saka ket inted nga im-
pakumit ti sabali.

[p. 27]

Sasainnekek laeng to nalak-
laka kadi,
Ti nairruam ken dinongngo
a tinagibi
Sasainnekek lat itayan
nga ayat nga inpatalali,
Ta ragsak ta pusom a
I am paining for it is not
easy for one used to esteem
and care. I am just paining
then of a traded love to
which your heart rejoices
in full
Ay pumatengngaka saka igumintang
Rabak pay nga estilom ken sudim
Sakanto isubbli, saka balbaliwan,
Ay! saan a mapuot to oras a maawan.
Ay, to center and coil
your hands high, how nice
and rare of you Kundiman?
Then return, and change again.
Ay! we forget the hours that
Ay, Kundiman, tungpal biagko no
dinak paludipan
Kundiman, Kundangan, Kundiman
No konak agsinatan dinakto
Ay, Kundiman, it's the end of
my life if you refuse me
a side glance. Kundiman,
Kundangan, Kudiman, Kundangan.
if I saw we part, forget me not.
Sakanto isublat ta makanawan
nga imam,
Sakanto isubli ta makatigid
nga imam,
No konak agsinatan, dinakto
Then, have your right hand
Then, return your left hand
If I say we separate, forget
me not.
No siak ti kagasat mo,
Naidumduma ti tulnogko,
Sapaek to ti mapan agbayo,
Apan agbalsig ken sumakdo.
If fates will make me yours, I
will be too obedient. I will
pound early, hew firewood and
fetch water.
Sapaek to nga isaang
Ta digua mo a dinadang,
Pigsaak to a lidlidan
Ta murengmo a kimraang.
If I will be early, heat your warm
bath. I will strongly rinse
your dried skin.
Sampaguita a napusaksak,
A banglum ti di marsaak,
Umayanen a liwliwak
No simken ni lagip kaniak.
Blooming Sampaguita, which
perfume never fades, you
are enough comfort to me when
I recall you to mind.
Manang Biday tumamdagka man
Ta bantana, ikalumbbabam
Ta kitaem toy kinayawam,
Matayakon no dinak kaasian.
Sister Biday, may you peep
through the window and bend,
Then see your captive,
I will die if no mercy you

[p. 28]

Napaitnak ta matamon, wen
ta dinak met kayaten,
Ta adda metten sabali nga
nga inka ayayaten,
Imbagbagam koma kaniak
Yantangay diak met
Ta dinongdongngobta koma
a dua
No kastat kayat mo laeng.
Your eyes have embittered me
for you are now after another.
You would have told me since I
forbear and we are two
would have esteemed that whom
you so desire.
Natay di dunggialen, nagagara
ti arem,
Sadin nakatayanna? Diay sirok to balballosa!
Dunggial is dead because of
loving! Where has he died?
Under the wild eggplant!
Naspak diay taw-wataw-wa
a nagbatayan ni Kuliaba,
Asin ti nanarapa? Ni kido
a mangilala!
The taƱgan-tangan upon which
perched Kuliaba broke down.
Who went to her aid? Kido
Who esteemed her!
Biagko ay wen, pattiem
A no dinak ayayen, napait
A no dita arpad mo lakamek
Ni nacaem unay a liday;
Ket no dicanto mapuotan
dagita luluam nga agarimayang
Isudanto ti linglingay
A balon toy biagko a pumusay.
My life! Yes, believe that
if you do not relent, it is too
titter — If before you I
suffer aching sorrow. If you
shall not be aware of your
falling tears, they will be my
comfort to follow my life
that shall end.
Tow-wato marabillato
Dika umadadayo
Dilaket ta inka maikulbo
Ti sikap no Mannoldo.
Dragonfly, marabillato,
do not go afar lest you
be deluded by the folly
of Mannoldo.
Ipasantabik kadakayo
Agkakadayaw ditoy yanko,
Ta nagkiddawda toy biangko
Ket patgek ti kalikagumyo.
I give note to you respected
ones beside me that they
got me a request and I honor
your wish.
Mabainak met ngarud ita
Nga agsalsala agmaymaysa,
Ni kalapati sadino to yanna,
Ta isu koma ti innakkasala.
I am ashamed to dance alone,
and where is love that I may
dance with her?
Kalapati a nasudi,
Denggem kad toy araraw mi
Dawat mi patgam kadi
Ta ipaay mo a kaasi.
Dove so rare, hear our plea.
We pray, please honor and do
for mercy.
Kalapati a naemma
A urbon, apagpessa
Toy yanko kad umayka
Tapno sika ti innak kasala.
Humble dove, young and just
hatched, come to where I am
so that you may be my partner
in the dance.

[p. 29]

Kalapati a nalibnos
A dutdutnat sidadalus,
Ni paidam dika ibulos
A ri ragsak manglapunos.
Dove, so pure with your growing
feathers, let not selfishness
free flood against or
Babai - No siak kalikagumam
Ditoy disso a kasalam,
Adtoyak a madadan
Babaknang ditoy saklang.
Lady - If you so desire me to be
your partner in this place,
I am here ready, honored guests
to please you.
Lalaki - Naraniag ka a bittuen,
A timmaud a buybuyaen,
Imatangam ket denggem,
Ta ni kalapati inta salaen.
Man - You are a radiant star
risen to see, behold and hear and
let us dance "dove."
Kalapati a naragsak,
Nga urbon apagpayak,
Ipalubos mo a siak
Ti inkenka mangalluad.
Dove so happy, birdie with little
wings, grant that I will take
care of you.
Ipalubosmo kad
O! nasingpet a kalapati
A siak ti managibi
Nga ayaywan a manappitappi.
Do please grant, O! modest dove
that I will nurse you at best
I can
Kalapati nga agdigdigus
Diay karayan nga agayayus
Siak to ti mangururnos
Ta duddot mo a parigganus.
Bathing dove at the flowing
river, I will be the one to
arrange your young feathers.
Dagitoy ti taktakkiagko
Sidadaan, sikakarayo,
Isut sanggir ken sadagno
No dumteng kenka ni mamayo.
Here are my arms waiting
lovingly. They are your support
when illness comes across.
Babai - Adu met ti nakitkitak
A kaykayo nagsalumpayak
Diak masapol dagita taktakkiag
A sanggir ko ken sadag.
Lady - There are those which I have
seen, trees with spreading
branches. I do not need your
arms to be my defense, my
Lalaki - Wen, adu ti nakitkitak
A kaykayo nagsalumpayak,
Ngem dida mapada toy taktakkiag
A sangir mo ken sadag.
Man - Yes, there are those which
I have seen, trees with spreading
branches, but they can't equal
my arms to be your defense and
Dadangek to a binigat
Ti digus mo a kadalad
To pagleka a manasanas
Ti langto dayta pintas.
I will heat every morn your
bath of vigilance as I shun to
have your fresh beauty fade.
Babai - Adu met ti nakitkitak
A bubbubun ditoy tay-ak
Diak masapul ta kadakad
A digusko a binigat
Lady - I have seen plenty of wells
in the plains. I do not need your
vigils for every morning bath.
Lalaki - Wen, adu ti nakitkitak
A bubbuon ditoy tayak
Ngem dina mapada ni kadadak
A mamasudi, mamapintas.
Man - Yes, I have seen plenty
of wells in the plains, but
they can't equal my vigil
Your beauty fo enhance.
Kalpasan ti inka panagdigus
Asitgan kan to a dagus
Ta siak to ti mangorurnos
Ta buok mo nakaliblibnos.
After your bath, I will at once
approach you for I will groom
your tresses fair.


Transcribed from:
Historical Data Regarding Barrios and Poblacion of Sto. Domingo District, online at the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections. The pagination in this transcription is as they appear in the original document.
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