MUNICIPALITY OF FAIRE (CAGAYAN), Historical Data of Part 2 - Philippine Historical Data MUNICIPALITY OF FAIRE (CAGAYAN), Historical Data of Part 2 - Philippine Historical Data

MUNICIPALITY OF FAIRE (CAGAYAN), Historical Data of Part 2

Municipality of Faire, Province of Cagayan



About these Historical Data

[p. 28]

5. Casano ti pinang-yaon daguiti songos ti caddua da no matnag ti uneg ti maysa nga nauneg nga bobon nga awan iti danum na?

English Version:

What will the monkeys do to save the life of one of them who happens to fall into a deep dry well?
Solution - They must gather strong vines, tie the vines to a tree and drop the ends to the monkey inside the well. Tell the monkey to climb up with the aid of the vines. In case the monkey inside the well cannot help himself, then one of them must get inside the well with the aid of the vines to help the one inside.
6. Uppat nga lal-laki ti mayat nga agcalud ti niug. Daguitoy nga lal-laki saan da nga macauli. Ania ti aramiden da tapno macacalud da?

English Version:

Four men desire to eat young coconut fruits. They must not climb. What must they do to be able to realize their desire?
Solution - They must carry one another until the man on top can carry some fruits.
7. Casano ti pinna-ngabac ti lumba ni Doriken ken Nuang?

English Version:

How come that the snail is able to defeat the carabao in a race?
Solution - The distance is fixed. Along the river are many snails. The snail racer contacts all the snails and tells them what to say when the carabao asks, "Snail, where are you?" True to fact, the race begins early. The carabao runs and runs alone on dry land while the snail just contents himself in the water. When the carabao gets tired running, he asks, "Snail, where are you?" The snail far ahead will answer him, "Here I am ahead of you." This process is repeated until the carabao gets so tired that he faints and dies.
8. Casano ti pinnangabac ti meysa nga pag-ong ti lumba iti meysa nga Ug-sa?

English Version:

How does a turtle win a race over a deer?
Solution - The deer, on the way, cannot wait for the turtle. So, he sleeps until late in the afternoon, when the turtle patiently and slowly continues the race. When the deer reaches the goal, the turtle is already waiting for him.

[p. 29]

9. Aniat gapuna nga daguiti Kalaw aguni da ti tengnga ti aldao?

English Version:

Why do the Kalaw (forest birds) say, "Kaw, kaw, kaw" many times at noon?
Solution - To indicate and announce to the world that the time is exactly 12 o'clock.
10. Aniat cayat na nga sawen no agcalub ti bolong ti acacia ti malem?

English Version:

What does the folding of acacia leaves in the afternoon indicate or signify?
Solution - It means that the time is 4 o'clock.


1-1. Agcuycuyog cayo dicay met agam-ammo, intono agsina cayon, agam-ammo cayton?
2. English version - You go together, you do not know each other, but when you part, you will know each other.
3. Meaning - Pre-natal and post-natal periods of a child.
2-1. Adda meysa nga bantay, nagbaetan ti dua nga princesa. No agsangit ti meysa, agsangit da nga dua.
2. English version - There is a mountain between two princes. When one cries, the other cries, too.
3. Meaning - The eyes.
3-1. Adda dua nga cappacappa, nagtallicod nga agpadpada.
2. English version - Two ferns grew back to back to each other.
3. Meaning - The ears.
4-1. Bassit nga infierno, mangted ti istilo.
2. English version - A little Purgatory that can give beauty.
3. Meaning - A flat iron (palancha).
5-1. Di mangan no di mal-luan ti ulona.
2. English version - It does not eat if you do not knock its head.
3. Meaning - The chisel.
6-1. Akin ngato't langdet, akin baba't agtupec.
2. English version - The cutting board is up while the cutter is below.
3. Meaning - Upper and lower teeth.
7-1. No saan nga maigalut, saan nga umadayo, ngem no igalut mo, macaadayo.
2. English version - When not tied, it does not budge an inch, but when tied, it goes far away.
3. Meaning - A pair of shoes.
8-1. Adda lima nga niug iti meysa nga cuman, meysa laeng ti catayagan.
2. English version - Among the five coconut trees in the field, only one is the tallest.
3. Meaning - Fingers.

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9-1. Adda meysa nga ubing, sangit la nga sangit, subbuam la ngaruden, agsangit to pay laeng.
2. English version - There is a baby who usualy cries. The more you feed him, the more he cries.
3. Meaning - The wooden sugar mill (crusher).
10-1. Adda meysa nga bayabas, pito ti abutna.
2. English version - There is a guave fruit with 7 holes.
3. Meaning - The head.
11-1. Adda dua nga sinulid, madanonna diay langit.
2. English version - There are two balls that can reach the sky.
3. Meaning - The eyes.
12-1. No rabii, tabla, no aldao, tubong.
2. English version - At night, flat, at day, tube.
3. Meaning - Sleeping mat.
13-1. Sicacawarac, sirereppetac iti pagbaludan ni ayat. Itinto mayat nga mangputol caniac, isunto't agladingit no matayac.
2. English version - Tied and chained in the cell of love. One who beheads, lament over me.
3. Meaning - The eating "onion."
14-1. Adda imana, adda baguina, adda ulona nguem naisina.
2. English version - It has a hand, a body, and a head, but the head is detached.
3. Meaning - Small letter "i."
15-1. Ania ti imparsua ni Apo Dios nga magmagna uray awan ti sacana.
2. English version - What is created by God without feet but can travel?
3. Meaning - The river.
16-1. No ig-gamac ta siketmo, lagto ca la nga lagto.
2. English version - If I hold your waist, you keep on jumping.
3. Meaning - Wooden pestle.
17-1. Tak-kim padi, nagboniti.
2. English version - Excreta of a priest is a bonnet wearer.
3. Meaning - An eggplant.
18-1. Adda baboy co idiay Manila, mangngeg ditoy ti ungic na.
2. English version - I have a pig in Manila whose grunting can be heard here.
3. Meaning - Lightning and thunder.

14. Proverbs and Sayings:

1-1. Uray alisto no falso.
2. English - Slow but sure.
2-1. Banbannog ti agdidillaw no caddua met laeng ti agtactakaw.
2. English version - To complain is useless if one of you is the thief.

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3-1. No awan anus, awan lamot.
2. English version - Good things come from patient toiling.
4-1. No cayatmo ti agbiag, anusam ti rigat.
2. English version - If you want to live well, try to overcome hardships.
5-1. Ti oras magmagna, iti tao maemberna.
2. English version - Time delayed is time lost.
6-1. No cayatmo ti agsida ti itlog, anusam ti cutac ti manok.
2. English version - Egg-eating goes with hen-cackling.
7-1. Agsachay maarus pay.
2. English version - He who has foresight sometimes makes mistakes.
8-1. Ti madi ti patigmaan, mapan iti carigatan.
2. English version - He who does not heed wise counsel finds himself in the mire.
9-1. Awan ti umuna nga babaoi no di agtartaraudi.
2. English version - Repentance comes last.
10-1. No dimo cayat ti aramid nga kinakaasi, aramid ngarud nga tinitiri.
2. English version - If you do not hear good pleadings, then wait for treachery.

15. Methods of measuring time, special calendears::

(1) When the flower of the "cabatiti" begins to open in the afternoon, the time is 4 o'clock P.M.
(2) When the leaves of an acacia tree begins to fold in the afternoon, the time is 4:00 P.M.
(3) When the Kalaw (forest bird) says "kaw, kaw, kaw" at noon, the time is exactly 12 o'clock noon.
(4) When the sun rises, it is 6 o'clock.
(5) When the sun is exactly overhead, the time is 12 o'clock noon.
(6) When the sun sets, the time is exactly 6 o'clock P.M.
(7) When the cock crows for the
a. 1st time at night, it is 10 o'clock.
b. 2nd time at night, it is 11 o'clock.
c. 1st time at dawn, it is 3 o'clock.
d. 2nd time at dawn, it is 4 o'clock.
e. 3rd time at dawn, it is 5 o'clock.
f. 4th time at dawn it is already 6 o'clock and the chickens get down from their roosting place to begin a new day.

16. Other folktales: None.


17. Information on books and documents treating of the Philippines and the names of their owners: None.

18. The name of Filipino authors born or residing in the community, the titles and subjects of their works, whether printed or in manuscript form, and the names of persons possessing them: None.

[p. 32]


The town of Faire is situated southwest of the Province of Cagayan, between the Cagayan and Chico Rivers. The present town of Faire was formerly named "Kabarungan," a barrio of the former town of Tabang. The vast plain between the gentle sloping hills east, west, north, and south of the town constitute the poblacion. The southern and northern sides of the town are open to transportation.

This town was founded by the late Capitan Manuel Fayre, who hailed from Dingras, Ilocos Norte. At first, the municipal government was in Tabang, eight kilometers south of Faire Centro. The late Capitan Manuel was the gobernadorcillo of Tabang for many years, he having married a comely Cagayana, the former Miss Felicitas Cagulayan, a sister of the richest man of Tabang, the late Captain Ubaldo Pagulayan.

During his time as gobernadorcillo, he found out that the barrio Kabarungan was wide and plain, although it was full of trees called Barung. The people, then, in this barrio were Kalingas. He convinced the Kalingas to give way to the Ilocano immigrants so that the western side of the Chico River was given to the Kalingas for occupation. Capitan Manuel then went to Ilocos Norte to requisition Ilocano laborers under the power and authority of the Spanish Governor General. He built his house, too, in order that he could supervise the clearing. He gave the immigrants lot wherein to build their houses and farms to till. He made them understand that the land belonged to them as long as they stayed, and cultivated his own land, too. He built roads. He had a church constructed, he being a God-fearing man. He christened the barrio "Sto. NiÑo." In this connection, he asked the government authorities to make the barrio a town. The government authorities approved his recommendation. The gobernadorcillo of Tabang was the same Capitan Manuel. So, he became the gobernadorcillo of the newly-created town. In a pompous celebration, the town was named "Sto. Niño" in honor of the town's patron. That was in the year 1891. He was the head of the town until 1900. Tired of his position as the head of the town, he sponsored the election of the late Captain Pablo Triunfante as the first elected Presidente Municipal, voting by standing. Capitan Tomas Pagulayan followed Capitan Pablo, and in 1908, the elected President Municipal was Capitan Ubaldo Pagulayan of Tabang. The municipal building during that year was destroyed by a strong storm, and Tabang was made again the seat of the municipal government. Capitan Ubaldo offered his house to accommodate all the offices. in the election of 1910, the

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late Capitan Tomas Pagulayan became the Municipal Presidente. He brought back the offices of the government from Tabang to Sto. Niño after a strong building was constructed to house the municipal government. This was during the time of Governor Vicente Masigan. The next presidential term went to Capitan Ignacio Luz. About the close of this term, a resolution was drafted by the Municipal Council to ask the help of Representative Juan Quintos to have the name of the town changed from Sto. Niño to Faire in honor of the founder, the late Capitan Manuel Fayre.

The resolution was approved by the proper authorities and the town was finally named "Faire."


19. Present official name of the town: Faire.

20. Former name or names and their meanings or derivations:

(1) As a barriof Tabang: Kabarungan. This was due to the abundance of barung trees.
(2) As a town: Sto. Niño. This was in honor of the patron saint.
(3) As finally revised: Faire. This was in honor of the founder, Manuel Fayre.

21. Date of establishment: January 16, 1891.

22. Name and special status of the founder:

(1) The name of the founder: Manuel Fayre.
(2) Social status of the founder: "Caballero" title was given to him by the Spanish government. He was very influential not only in Dingras, Ilocos Norte, but also among the Spanish authorities in Manila and Cagayan. He was well-liked by his many friends and townsmen.

23. Names of persons who held leading official positions in the community, with the dates of their tenures, if possible.

A- Spanish Regime

Year Gobernadorcillo or Capitan Municipal Teniente Mayor Cura Parroco Juez de Sementera y de Policia Maestro Municipal Cuadrillero
1891 Leoncio Beltran Tomas Angnobong Padre Isidro Santiago Catolos Bitti Sumabat Abundio Ranjo
1892 Ubaldo Pagulayan protested by Ignacio Luz in Manila. Dark horse Gregorio Peralta was appt. by Manila Officials. Leon Mangussad Padre Isidro Pedro Espiritu Bitti Sumabat Abundio Ranjo

[p. 33 a-1]

Addendum to No. 22 (1) Names of the co-founders:

Centro Sur
1. The Billones
2. The Balaquis
3. The Guitangs
4. The Beltrans
5. The Triunfantes
6. The Pagurayans
7. The Cardonas
8. The Acostas
9. The Tejadas
10. The Manauises
11. The Palejos
12. The Martins
13. The Evangelistas
14. The Salvadores
15. The Fayres
Centro Norte
1. The Andams
2. The Malamugs
3. The Rosquetas
4. The Manuels
5. The Paats
6. The Simeons
7. The Gabriels
8. The Lazos
9. The Luzes
10. The Beltrans
11. The Dalafus
12. The Pitels
13. The Corpuzes
14. The Baoits
15. The Daquioags
16. The Mandings
17. The Tungpalans
18. The Verdaderos
19. The Prudencianos
20. The Pacquings
21. The Racimos
22. The Bayaoas
23. The Abedeses
24. The Castros
25. The Pagulayans
26. The Baquirans
27. The Escoltos
28. The Suguitans
29. The Tomases
30. The Reynanets
31. The Areolas
32. The Agcaoilis
33. The Domingos
34. The Batugals
35. The Agustins
36. The Cruzes
37. The Correas
38. The Dulans
39. The Regalados
40. The Valencias
41. The Templos
42. The Singsons
43. The Mateos
44. The Sayos
45. The Marcelos
Note: The above-mentioned families helped not only in the settlement of the town but helped also improve the municipality. Some of them came along with the principal founder, Manuel Fayre; some of them were ahead of the founder; and some of them came later. All of them had something to say and to do with regards to populating Faire.

[p. 33 a-2]

Addendum to No. 23 - Names of persons who held leading official positions in the community:

Parish Priests

1. Father Juan
2. Padre Doroteo Foronda
3. Padre Gregorio Ballesteros
4. Padre Alcid
5. Padre Albano
6. Padre Gregorio Ballesteros
7. Padre Paulino Angngangan
8. Padre Pauig
9. Padre Domingo
10. Padre Joaquin Lorenzana
11. Padre Marceliano Jocson
12. Padre Juan Carreon
13. Padre Jesus B. Gaffud
14. Padre Mariano Bacud

Principal Teachers

1. Pedro Battung of Solana, Cagayan
2. Pedro Tugade of Faire, Cagayan
3. Braulio Baquiran of Solana, Cagayan
4. Modesto Dichoso of Alcala, Cagayan
5. Jose Lasam of Tuguegarao, Cagayan
6. Dimas Tuddao of Tuguegarao, Cagayan
7. Salvador Malana of Piat, Cagayan
8. Martin Zinampan of Solana, Cagayan
9. Cosme Ulibas of Camalaniugan, Cagayan
10. Francisco Aquilisan of Abulug, Cagayan
11. Demetrio Taguba of Aparri, Cagayan
12. Paula F. Borja of Solana, Cagayan
13. Luz C. Carag of Solana, Cagayan
14. Rufino R. Templo of Faire, Cagayan

Tenientes del Barrio

Centro Sur
1. Salvador Billion
2. Patricio Balaqui
3. Miguel Billion
4. Simplicio Evangelista
5. Eustaquio Balaqui
Centro Norte
1. Rafael Regalado
2. Angel Abedes
3. Clemente Regalado
4. Pedro Matote
5. Pedro Domingo
6. Joaquin Malamug
7. Tomas Abedes

[p. 34]

Year Gobernadorcillo or Capitan Municipal Teniente Mayor Cura Parroco Juez de Sementera y de Policia Maestro Municipal Cuadrillero
1893 Ubaldo Pagulayan Leon Mangussad Padre Isidro Pedro Espiritu Bitti Sumabat Abundio Ranjo
1894 Manuel Fayre (as Capitan Municipal) Juan Pitel Padre Isidro Catalino Peralta Bitti Sumabat Abundio Ranjo
1895 Tomas Pagulayan Adriano Beltran Padre Juan Lazaro Arcega Bitti Sumabat Abundio Ranjo
1896 Ignacio Luz Marcos Simeon Padre Juan Eustaquio Galano Bitti Sumabat Abundio Ranjo
1897 Ubaldo Pagulayan (Ignacio Luz as Tesorero) Tomas Pagulayan Padre Juan Geminiano Villanueva Simeon Oliva Sgt. Quirino Baguiran
1898 to 1900 Capitan Manuel Fayre Esteban Pagurayan Doroteo Foronda Simeon Oliva Bitti Sumabat Sgt. Quirino Baquiran

B - American Regime

Year (1) Presidente
(2) Tesorero
Vice-President Justice of the Peace Municipal Councilors Municipal Secretary Chief of Police
1900-02 (1) Pablo Triunfante
(2) Ignacio Luz
Juan Agcaoili Santiago Catolos Clemente Rosqueta
Marcos Simeon
Silvestre Sumabat Sgt. Q. Baquiran
1902-04 (1) Pablo Triunfante
(2) Ignacio Luz
Juan Agcaoili Lucio Cruz D. Rosqueta
D. Calegan
C. Nogueras
P. Dequico
Silvestre Sumabat Sgt. Antonio Atienza
1904-06 (1) T. Pagulayan
(2) Severino Lazo
Eulalio Aclan Anastacio Labrador E. Calano
D. Calegan
D. Carodan
P. Pitel
Flaviano Tolentino Sgt. Antonio Atienza
1906-08 (1) U. Pagulayan
(2) Severino Lazo
Flaviano Fayre Lucio Cruz R. Paat
S. Oliva
G. Villanueva
T. Pagulayan
Flaviano Tolentino Sgt. Antonio Atienza
1908-12 (1) T. Pagulayan
(2) S. Lazo
Marcos Simeon Lucio Cruz R. Paat
J. Pitel
J. Fontanilla
E. Aclan
Flaviano Tolentino Sgt. Antonio Atienza
1912-16 (1) Ignacio Luz
(2) Severino Lazo
Ruperto Paat Simeon Oliva D. Dumaua
F. Pagulayan
J. Dalafu
C. Manuel
Flaviano Tolentino Sgt. Juan Agcaoili
1916-19 (1) Geminiano Villanueva
(2) Gines Pimentel
Renulfo Balauag Fortunato Lazo D. Dumaua
D. Calegan
M. Cardona
J. Pitel
Silverio Purugganan Sgt. Juan Agcaoili

[p. 35]

Year (1) Presidente
(2) Tesorero
Vice-President Justice of the Peace Municipal Councilors Municipal Secretary Chief of Police
1919-22 (1) Severino Lazo
(2) Gines Pimentel
Vicente Dumaua Fortunato Lazo Maximino Templo, Vicente Baricaua, Mariano Cardona, Cayetano Manuel Leon Luz Sgt. Juan Agcaoili
1922-25 (1) Gines Pimentel
(2) M. Peralta
(3) G. Rivero
Domingo Calegan Fortunato Lazo D. Singson
V. Dumaua
V. Escuchero
A. Atienza
Miguel Beltran Sgt. Juan Agcaoili
1925-28 (1) Gines P. Pimentel
(2) German Rivero
Demetrio Singson Arcadio Singson J. Abedes
P. Lazo
M. Mateo
A. Dayacus
M. Beltran
E. Malamug
F. Fayre
R. Dumaua
A. Pobre
Chief Ildefonso Lazo
1928-31 (1) Gines P. Pimentel
(2) Maximino Arlante
Marciano Mateo Daniel Segundo B. Singson
Mateo Suyo
F. Fayre
J. Fontanilla
T. Abedes
P. Carodan
Antonio Pobre Chief Elagio Malamug
1931-33 (1) Juan Daquioag
(2) Alonso de Asis
Pedro Tugade Daniel Segundo A. Dayacus
V. Dumaua
M. Mateo
F. Pacquing
T. Pascua
Juan Ibarra; Severino Lazo Chief Elagio Malamug
1933-36 (1) Juan Daquioag
(2) Alonso de Asis
(3) Andres Arcalas
Ildefonso Lazo Daniel Segundo F. Pacquing
I. Labrador
M. Mateo
A. Dayacus
C. Manuel
P. Valenzuela
Severino Lazo Chief Eligio Malamug
1936-39 (1) Anselmo Pagurayan
(2) Ramon Limun
(3) Luciano Dasu
Leandro Reynante Daniel Segundo F. Fayre
B. Singson
D. Agustin
F. Pacquing
L. Prudenciano
A. Dayacus
Reymundo Esquibil Chief Dominador Tugade
1939-41 (1) Mauricio Dulin
(2) Leonardo Guiyab
Felix Pacquing Daniel Segundo E. Pimentel
A. Pagulayan
M. Bayaoa
L. Prudenciano
F. Escucharo
P. Evilla
Isidro Labrador Chief Pedro P. Lucas

[p. 36]

C - Japanese Regime

Year (1) Mayor
(2) Treasurer
Vice-Mayor Judge Councilors Secretary Chief of Police
1942 Jan. to July 4 (1) Anselmo Pagurayan
(2) Placido Pagurayan
----- ----- ----- Daniel Sebundo Mauricio Peralta
(This period was from January 1 to July 4, 1942)
Note: The above officials were executed by the guerrilleros in Lipatan. The Commonwealth Gov't functioned clandestinely from July 10 to January 15, 1943
1943 (1) Mauricio Dulin
(2) Rufino R. Templo
Felix Pacquing Timoteo Alcid ----- Isidro Labrador Jose Magno
Note: In September 1943, Treasurer Rufino R. Templo was transferred to Piat as Municipal Treasurer. He was relieved by Treasurer Rosendo S. Gabriel as Treasurer of Faire.
1944 (1) Mauricio Dulin
(2) Rosendo S. Gabriel
Felix Pacquing Luis Quimosing ----- Isidro Labrador Pedro Lucas & Tomas Bayaoa

D - Military Government

Year (1) Mayor
(2) Treasurer
Vice-Mayor Judge Councilors Secretary Chief of Police
1945 Jan. to March (1) Rosendo S. Gabriel
(2) Eligio P. Malamug
----- Alberto Antonio None Juan Ibarra Tomas Bayaoa
1945 April to Sept. (1) Eligio R. Templo
(2) Juan Palma
----- Alberto Antonio None Marino Formoso Tomas Bayaoa
1945 Oct. (1) Severino Lazo
(2) Juan Palma
----- Monico Beltran None ----- Tomas Bayaoa
Ildefonso Lazo
(All pre-war employees were allowed to return to duty.)
1945 Oct. - Dec. (1) M. Dulin
(2) R. Gabriel
Felix Pacquing Monico Beltran None Isidro Labrador Tomas Bayaoa
(President M. Roxas appointed the municipal officials.)
1946 to 1947 (1) G. Pimentel
(2) R. Gabriel
(3) Gregorio Llapitan
Felix Pacquing Monico Beltran Ramona C. Luz
T.S. Reynante
Nic. Mateo
A. Agustin
P. Valenzuela
R. Balauag
Constance Peralta Tomas Bayaoa


Transcribed from:
Historical Data Collected and Compiled Regarding the Barrios and Poblacion, Municipality of Faire, Cagayan, online at the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections.
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